Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Orphanages or Nahhh?

I've always wondered how orphanages were and if some of them were still around. To my surprise and through a few clicks on google I found that a lot are still around today. This article discusses a study that was done across the world. They talked to people that were raised in orphanages, foster homes, in kinship care, and group homes. I have always heard negatives things about orphanages and I didn't know why. Reading this article helped me realize that some people actually had better experiences with orphanages than foster care because they had a since of security. In a lot of foster homes youth get pushed around and that effects how they connect with other people. Kinship care is still seen as the best way but a lot of youth don't know there families. It would be nice to talk to someone in person to get there view on all three, excluding kinship.


  1. I spent a month in Costa Rica last January taking a class on determining the best interest of a child and what placements might be best for them. While there are a lot of reasons children shouldn't be placed in orphanages and they might be detrimental, you do bring up a good point about making sure we look at all of the information and realize that some children may have different experiences.

  2. During a study abroad trip in Zimbabwe we visited a few orphanages, most of which were children with HIV and AIDS. We then had to complete an assignment where we had to research information about the effects of different placements on children. According to research, as you've stated kinship care is what is best for a child. Although ones experience in foster care, group homes, or an orphanage varies from person to person so it was hard for me to understand if those placement were healthy for a child or not.

  3. I agree that foster care definitely has its challenges. I have heard first hand accounts from kids of some of the problems they faced with their placements. Additionally through some of my collaborations with Children Services, I have heard stories of families that they don't really want to place kids but due to shortages they have to. If an orphanage could be run with therapeutic awareness I can see how it would be beneficial.

  4. I agree that foster care definitely has its challenges. I have heard first hand accounts from kids of some of the problems they faced with their placements. Additionally through some of my collaborations with Children Services, I have heard stories of families that they don't really want to place kids but due to shortages they have to. If an orphanage could be run with therapeutic awareness I can see how it would be beneficial.
