Sunday, February 21, 2016

Giving away babies: Blessing or Unethical?

This story is about a well-known Pakistani TV host giving away babies as prizes. Their show is equivalent to our Price is Right, they answer questions about the Quran and they receive prizes. An organization called Chhipa Welfare Association looks for abandoned babies in the streets and helps them live. The host of this TV show, through this organization, decided he would give away a baby girl to a childless couple during their Ramadan month, unbeknownst to them. They were overjoyed. The host plans to give more babies away. It's important to state that adoption is not recognized in Pakistan, no adoption laws whatsoever, so anyone receiving a baby as a prize will have to go to court to sign for guardianship. Some say it is a publicity stunt all for TV ratings, but what are your thoughts?


  1. Wow! I'm in shock after reading this. I didn't know what to think at first... there are so many aspects of this story. If there are so many abondoned babies, I wonder why this couple hadn't gone directly to the Chhipa Welfare Association (or similar agency) and offer to bring a child into their home?

    I think it's dehumanizing to give a baby away like it's a possession. It's the Pakintani version of the Price is Right-- they are looking to win a car or a vacation-- not a new member of their family!

  2. I feel like this is wrong in so many ways. It is like the host is the Pakistan version of Oprah. "You get a baby, you get a baby, and you get a baby!"

  3. Strange as it is, this show DOES bring awareness to a big issue in Pakistan. It said that they find 15 babies a day, and that many abandoned children are found dead or mauled by wild animals. Hearing this might inspire others to look into adoption or donating to the Chhipa Welfare Organization. Yes, it is wrong to hand just anyone a child. But if the recipients are excited and already had the desire to be parents, I feel that this show gives children a chance at a better life. For some, it might be there only chance at a life at all.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with what Madison said in regards to this article. My first thought was that it was incredibly unethical but if there really are that many abandoned children then maybe this is in the country's best interest. It is really hard to imagine this situation as a result of adoption law in the U.S.
