Wednesday, February 3, 2016

life w/o parole sentencing

         Personally, I was very ignorant to the juvenile justice system and how it operates. I was also very ignorant to how things worked and the fact that young people were being put in solitary confinement. This article speaks on the recent ban on solitary confinement and the fact that youth used to be sentenced to life without parole.  I was unaware that the juvenile system did that type of sentencing. It was recently ruled that those who were given that  type of sentence must have a chance at "life outside of prison walls".
         I agree with this 100 percent because if a youth is never given the chance to be reintroduced to the community that individual is missing out on a lot of important skills and lessons that can be gained from the community. They are also missing out on being in school which delays the individual and makes them unmarketable to the community and society. The article takes a more scientific route when explaining why youth should not be sentenced to life without parole. It looks at how people mature and the development of the brain and takes note of the fact that the brain is not fully developed until 25.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really good ruling and step in the right direction for juvenile offenders. There are many different reasons that juveniles commit crimes and they still have time to turn their life around. I love this ruling.
