Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Innovation in Pittsburg for improving educational attainment of fostered youth

This news report focuses on the educational attainment of youth in foster care. Only about 50% finish high school and only 20% of those attend college. Pittsburgh is attempting a new innovated approach with fostered youth to help them within the schools.The highest correlation for low grades was associated with youth whom experienced multiple moves within the foster care system. Pittsburgh is putting "youth support partners" (mentors) in place for fostered youth to help them work towards reaching their achievements and seeking opportunities. They have also hired educational liaisons to be linked to the foster youth to make sure they are in class, have the credits to graduate high school, and make sure they are aware of benefits they are eligible for as fostered youth. Liaisons can also help students through the admissions process and financial aid for college.

It is very important to recognize the overlap of various child and youth services such as child welfare and school. Often times when a youth is experiencing adversity in one field of child and youth services, they are often facing adversity in other aspects as well. In my own experience, I have seen how the implications of abuse/neglect and involvement in the child welfare system has negatively impacted educational attainment for youth. I have also seen youth overcome such adversities, demonstrate resilience, and beat the odds. But, I think it is important for the future of youth that we continue to work towards integrating these systems (such as child welfare and schools) to work more collaboratively for the best interest of the youth being served.


1 comment:

  1. I think implementing mentors and educational liaisons is a fantastic approach for youth. Mentors and liaisons can be helpful for youth in all of the systems. I absolutely agree with you that the systems overlap. Many at-risk youth are facing challenges within child welfare, education, and the juvenile justice systems. Integration of the systems is key in providing effective services to youth.
