Friday, January 29, 2016

Freedom School

In California, juveniles who are in the juvenile justice system and required to attend probation camp can also participate in a daily program called Freedom School. During Freedom School, the boys sang, smiled, and danced while learning how to build their self-esteem, hope, and confidence. During the school year, they work at their own pace and are taught things that will help them graduate high school. There are a total of 34 Freedom School programs in California (only some of them are in probation camps). What are your thoughts on this program? What other populations could it benefit?


  1. This is a great concept. Many juveniles who are in the system have missed these positive interactions with others, stunting their growth of healthy self-image. I believe practicing activities that will build self esteem, hope and confidence is a great idea. They need people who care about them and are invested in them even if they are resistant or make mistakes.

  2. I think this is a great idea and actually rehabilitates youth in the justice system as opposed to just locking them up and creating more problems for youth which would only increase recidivism rates.

  3. I think it is important to offer youths other alternatives. Rehabilitation is so important, and unfortunately youths are not identified until it is too late. It feels imperative to involve youth into other activities and ways to relieve stress, anger, and fear.

  4. I think it is important to offer youths other alternatives. Rehabilitation is so important, and unfortunately youths are not identified until it is too late. It feels imperative to involve youth into other activities and ways to relieve stress, anger, and fear.

  5. What a creative, empowering, and redeeming program! I hope that this spreads outside of California as well.

  6. I love this idea! It's so important to provide these types of programs that are flexible and positive. I truly believe that instilling hope into our youth is one of the most powerful things we can do as social workers and it is clear that this program is doing that. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I think this is a great program, especially for boys. In our culture it is seen as "weak" if you express yourself in ways other than fighting or arguing, but this appears to have a better model to express oneself in a healthy manner. I truly appreciate this program and would be eager to see what this self-expression might look like in schools and community organizations.

  8. This sounds great. They need something to help them build themselves up instead of being torn down by the labeling of the system.Helping them graduate and teaching them skills will also help the communities they live in. If they change for the better it can change their communities too.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think this is an amazing program and concept. All of our youth could benefit from a boost in their self-esteem and positive feedback from a person that is an authority figure in their life. Teaching them these skills will help in them becoming contributing citizens of their community and having positives influences may inspire them to be a positive role model to someone younger in the own community.
